What emotions is this person feeling?
Bright emotions
Not at all Extremely
Quiet emotions
Not at all Extremely
Heavy emotions
Not at all Extremely
Sombre emotions
Not at all Extremely
Recycling worker, Porto Alegre
Creator of the image: Paul James
Date of the image creation: 2010
Medium of the image: Photograph
Person depicted: Recycling worker, Porto Alegre
The woman in this photograph was a member of the Chocolatão project. Once a garbage picker walking the streets of Porto Alegre to find rubbish for selling to a recycling dealer, she now works for a new city-enterprise where the rubbish is brought to a recycling depot built near her new home. Across the period of 2005 till 2011, the Chocolatão project involved the resettlement of all the residents of the inner-city Vila Chocolatão slum in Porto Alegre, Brazil, to a new suburb where the depot was built. This collaborative project was successful in rehousing a whole community of slum dwellers, but more than that the project restructured how the city deals with slums.
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