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Bright emotions
Not at all Extremely
Quiet emotions
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Heavy emotions
Not at all Extremely
Sombre emotions
Not at all Extremely
Birth of Venus
Creator of the image: Sandro Botticelli
Date of the image creation: Mid-1480s
Medium of the image: Tempera on panel
Person depicted: Venus
This face is taken from the centre of an epic painting by Sandro Botticelli (1445–1510) depicting the goddess Venus emerging from the sea. She is born as an adult woman, the ideal of beauty. As it does for the Roman version of Aphrodite, the goddess’ roles encompassed love, beauty, sex, fertility, prosperity and desire. Some commentators think that Lorenzo and Giovanni di Pierfrancesco d’Medici of Florence commissioned the painting by Botticelli. However, no documents exist to prove this. The Birth of Venus is currently on display at the Uffizi Gallery in Florence, Italy.
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