What emotions is this person feeling?

Mater Dolorosa
Bright emotions
Not at all Extremely
Quiet emotions
Not at all Extremely
Heavy emotions
Not at all Extremely
Sombre emotions
Not at all Extremely

Mater Dolorosa
c. late 15th century
Creator of the image: Baldassarre d’Este
Date of the image creation: c. 15th century
Medium of the image: Tempera on wood
Person depicted: Mary, mother of Jesus
The Latin name Mater Dolorosa can be translated as ‘Our Lady of Sorrows’, a name for the Virgin Mary in reference to the sorrows of her life. The sorrow of Mary is the subject of much Catholic art. This tempera painting is by Baldassarre d’Este (1432–1504), also known as Baldasare Estense or Baldassarre Reggio, an Italian renaissance artist. The painting is currently held at the Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya, bought as part of the Cambó Bequest.

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