What emotions is this person feeling?

Scream from Psycho
Bright emotions
Not at all Extremely
Quiet emotions
Not at all Extremely
Heavy emotions
Not at all Extremely
Sombre emotions
Not at all Extremely

Scream from Psycho
Creator of the image: Alfred Hitchcock (director)
Date of the image creation: 1960
Medium of the image: Film
Person depicted: Marion Crane as played by Janet Leigh
Context: This still-frame is from the famous shower-scene from Hitchcock’s 1960 classic Psycho. A sudden rainstorm and wrong turn forces Marion Crane to spend the night at the Bates Motel where she meets the young Norman Bates. They have dinner together and Norman explains his interest in taxidermy and the difficulties of living with his deranged mother Norma. After dinner, Marion decides to have a shower, unaware that Norman is spying on her through the keyhole. Dressed in his mother’s clothing, Norman enters the bathroom. Marion screams. Norman stabs Marion to death with a butcher’s knife. Norman later returns to the crime sense in his own clothes. Believing his mother to be responsible, Norman proceeds to meticulously clean the bathroom, dumping Marion’s corpse and possessions into a nearby swamp.

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