What emotions is this person feeling?

Mark Zuckerberg
Bright emotions
Not at all Extremely
Quiet emotions
Not at all Extremely
Heavy emotions
Not at all Extremely
Sombre emotions
Not at all Extremely

Mark Zuckerberg
Creator of the image: Associated Press
Date of the image creation: 2011
Medium of the image: Photograph
Person depicted: Mark Zuckerberg
This photo shows Mark Zuckerberg (1984–) at a meeting in San Francisco. Zuckerberg is the Chief Executive Officer and co-founder of Facebook. As Forbes Magazine records: ‘In the 2008 edition of the World’s Billionaire List, a small, red-faced profile picture of Mark Zuckerberg appeared on the cover of Forbes. Billed as the youngest of the 1,125 billionaires that year, “that Facebook kid” was inside the magazine — yes, wearing a hoodie and Adidas sandals — and on the list with a net worth that clocked in at a cool $1.5 billion.’ As of 2011 when the photograph was taken his company was about to surpass $100 billion market capitalization.
The story of this Harvard drop-out turned tech-baron is well known. David Fincher’s feature film The Social Network portrays the fanatical ambition and disconnected, unacknowledged sadness of the world of the tech-entrepreneur. In this photograph, the young multi-billionaire holds his head high and looks out at an avid audience ready to receive a question that he knows in advance and already has the right answer. His expression is confident, relaxed and proud, with his mouth held in a stunted smile that seems to radiate self-satisfaction.

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